Saturday, November 1, 2008

Proposed 6A Playoff

Proposed 6A Playoff

Before I get rolling on this, if you have ANY reasonable suggestions at all, feel free to leave a comment either on the blog or on forums.

How the points were determined is outlined here:

I start by placing the 7 league #1 seeds in the first 7 spots in the bracket. They will go in pools ABCDDCB in point order.

Pool A: Jesuit
Pool B: Lake Oswego, Tualatin
Pool C: South Medford, Lincoln
Pool D: South Salem, Central Catholic

Now I’ll put in the 7 league #2 seeds opposite the league champions. Since Pools A and D will be on the top half-bracket, and pools B and C on the bottom half-bracket, I’ll separate based on that. Each team will be placed in the first spot they can possibly be placed in pools AABCDDC

Pool A: Jesuit, Grants Pass, Tigard
Pool B: LO, Tualatin, Beaverton
Pool C: SM, Lincoln, McNary, David Douglas
Pool D: SS, CC, Grant, West Linn

Now the 6 third place teams go into the bracket. They should not be put in a pool with any other team from the same league. They will go in the first spot they can be possibly placed in pools BAABCD. It is possible that we may have to move some teams around a little bit depending on what happens with the wild cards.

Pool A: Jesuit, GP, Tigard, Sprague, Barlow
Pool B: LO, Tualatin, Beaverton, Sheldon, Oregon City
Pool C: SM, Lincoln, McNary, DD, Southridge
Pool D: SS, CC, Grant, WL, Canby

Now the wild card teams get put in last. Checking the conferences, we find there are one Metro, two Mt. Hood, one Pacific, one 3 Rivers and two CVC and one PIL. Ideally, we’ll put the top rated one from each league in a pool away from the other teams from the same league. We’ll start by placing those.

Pool A: Jesuit, GP, Tigard, Sprague, Barlow, Clackamas, Wilson
Pool B: LO, Tualatin, Beaverton, Sheldon, OC, W. Salem, Gresham
Pool C: SM, Lincoln, McNary, DD, Southridge, Newberg
Pool D: SS, CC, Grant, WL, Canby, Westview

So that leaves Centennial and McKay. They’ll have to go into a pool with another team from the same league. Again, ideally, they will not run into that team until the quarterfinals. The way the bracket will work for each pool is 1st-bye; 4th-5th; 3rd-6th; 2nd-7th. So, by putting McKay in pool D and Centennial in pool C, they will not meet another league team until the quarterfinals.

Pool A: 1. Jesuit; 2. Grants Pass; 3. Tigard; 4. Sprague' 5. Barlow; 6. Clackamas; 7. Wilson.

Pool B: 1. Lake Oswego; 2. Tualatin; 3. Beaverton; 4. Sheldon; 5. Oregon City; 6. West Salem; 7. Gresham.

Pool C: 1. South Medford; 2. Lincoln; 3. McNary; 4. David Douglas; 5. Southridge; 6. Newberg; 7. Centennial.

Pool D: 1. South Salem; 2. Central Catholic; 3. Grant; 4. West Linn; 5. Canby; 6. Westview; 7. McKay.

That would result in this bracket for the playoffs:

Jesuit bye
Barlow @ Sprague
Clackamas @ Tigard
Wilson @ Grants Pass
South Salem bye
Canby @ West Linn
Westview @ Grant
McKay @ Central Catholic
South Medford bye
Southridge @ David Douglas
Newberg @ McNary
Centennial @ Lincoln
Lake Oswego bye
Oregon City @ Sheldon
West Salem @ Beaverton
Gresham @ Tualatin

Just for jollies, here’s a bracket with the top 28 points teams without any regard for league matchups.

Jesuit bye
Grant @ Sheldon
McKay @ Grants Pass
Clackamas @ Canby
Centennial @ South Salem
W. Linn @ Tualatin
Barlow @ Tigard
Southridge bye
S. Medford bye
Sprague @ McNary
Gresham @ Lincoln
Oregon City @ Central Catholic
Wilson @ Beaverton
Newberg @ Westview
W. Salem @ David Douglas
Lake Oswego bye

I know this was a long post! Thanks for reading!

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